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Giving Your Toddler the Best Head Start with Right Brain Training

As parents, we all want to give our toddlers the best possible start in life, including a strong foundation for academic success. While traditional academic approaches centred on left brain development are important, there is growing recognition of the role that right brain training can play in enhancing cognitive development in young children.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for various important functions such as creative and intuitive thinking, spatial awareness, and pattern recognition. Studies have suggested that children who receive early right brain training have better memory retention, problem-solving skills, and overall academic performance compared to those who do not. Additionally, right brain training can also help improve a child’s emotional intelligence, social skills, and communication abilities, leading to better outcomes in both academic and social settings.

If you’re looking to provide an academic head start for your toddler, keep reading to learn how right brain training can unlock his potential with a holistic approach to learning, and developing the skills needed to succeed both in and out of the classroom.

5 Qualities to look for in a right brain training centre

The curriculum of right brain training enrichment classes is designed to help your child reach his fullest potential. But with the many options available, it can be challenging to know which centre will provide the best possible experience for your child. If you’re contemplating enrichment classes for your toddler, this section explores some of the key qualities that you should look for in a right brain training enrichment centre.

Well-designed and comprehensive programme

A well-designed and comprehensive programme is an essential component of any effective right brain training curriculum for toddlers. A high quality program should be designed with the unique needs and learning styles of each child in mind, ensuring that the activities and curriculum are age-appropriate and tailored to their individual abilities. To keep children engaged and motivated, classes should also include a variety of fun, engaging, and challenging activities, such as drawing, colouring, music, storytelling, and imaginative play.

In addition, the curriculum should cover all the essential elements of right brain training, such as visual and auditory processing, memory retention, and creativity. By offering a comprehensive approach to learning, the program can promote overall cognitive development, emotional intelligence, social skills, and communication abilities.

Qualified instructors

The quality of instructors can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of an enrichment program and the overall learning experience for your child. Therefore, it’s essential to consider the qualifications, experience, and expertise of the instructors when selecting a right brain training centre.

Look for a centre that employs certified instructors with relevant experience and expertise in right brain training techniques. Ideally, the instructors should have a background in early childhood education and a specific focus on right brain training. This ensures that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively teach right brain training techniques to young children.

Furthermore, instructors should be patient, nurturing, passionate about their work and committed to providing the best possible learning experience for your toddler. Visit the centre and observe the teachers and children in action. This will give you a better sense of the environment, the quality of the programme, and the interaction between educators and the children. You may also ask the instructors questions about the programme and their teaching methods to gauge their knowledge and expertise.

Safety and environment

A safe and conducive environment is crucial for effective learning and development. For this reason, the centre should provide a comfortable space that promotes learning and creativity, with appropriate lighting, furniture, and learning materials. The centre should also have adequate space for children to move around and engage in physical activities, such as dancing, stretching, and other exercises.

In addition, the enrichment centre should be clean and hygienic with well-maintained facilities and regular cleaning to prevent the spread of germs and illnesses. The classrooms should be well-ventilated, and the equipment and materials used for learning should be safe and age-appropriate.

Parental involvement

Parents are the primary caregivers and educators of their children, and their involvement in their child’s learning journey can have a significant impact on their overall development.

A right brain training centre that encourages parental involvement is a sign of a high-quality program. Look for a centre that practises regular communication between parents and the teachers. This can include regular updates on their child’s progress, feedback on their child’s performance, and any concerns or questions that parents may have.

Aside from communication, the centre should also provide opportunities for parents to participate in their child’s learning experience. This can include observing classroom activities, attending parent-teacher meetings, and participating in parent-child activities. By participating in these activities, parents can get a better understanding of their child’s strengths and weaknesses and learn how to support their child’s learning and development at home.

Positive reviews and recommendations

When it comes to selecting a right brain training centre for your toddler, the opinions and experiences of other parents can be incredibly helpful. Positive reviews and recommendations can provide valuable insights into the quality of the centre, the effectiveness of the program, and the experiences of other parents and children.

Check online reviews and testimonials from websites such as Google Reviews and Facebook pages. Such platforms allow parents to share their experiences and opinions. Be sure to read both positive and negative reviews to get a well-rounded understanding of the centre.

Another way to get recommendations is to ask friends and family members who have enrolled their children in right brain training programmes. They can provide honest and reliable feedback on their experiences with different centres to help you make an informed decision.

​How right brain training can help enhance academic performance

The left and right hemispheres of our brains play different roles in our thought processes. Unfortunately, traditional academic settings tend to prioritise left-brain activities, which can leave right-brain skills underdeveloped. However, right brain training can help bridge this gap and enhance your child’s academic performance. Read to explore how right brain training can aid in your child’s cognitive and creative development, and support them in their academic pursuits.

Cognitive development

Right brain training programs offer a range of exercises that can stimulate various cognitive functions and creative thinking skills. One such example is through games that require the use of critical thinking to find creative solutions to problems. This approach can help children develop their problem-solving abilities and apply them to a range of academic subjects, from history to mathematics.

Visualisation exercises are also beneficial in right brain training. These exercises support children in understanding complex concepts by visualising them in their minds, as well as understanding the patterns and connections between different elements. This can be particularly helpful in science and mathematics, where abstract formulas may sometimes be challenging to understand.

Memory games are another critical aspect of right brain training programs. Through utilising mnemonic devices and visual associations, individuals can improve their memory retention and recall abilities. Children can then develop their ability to think creatively and generate unique solutions to problems from an early age.

Enhance holistic thinking

Holistic thinking involves understanding complex systems and patterns, rather than focusing on individual parts. Right brain training exercises can develop holistic thinking skills by encouraging children to look at the big picture. Potential causes and effects can also be easily identified, with a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Developing this skill early on gives children an advantage in their future academic and professional pursuits, and can be particularly useful for problem-solving and decision-making in various fields, including business and engineering.

Improved creativity 

Right brain training exercises, such as drawing, painting, and storytelling, can boost imagination and creativity. These skills are essential in a range of academic subjects, ranging from arts to science. For instance, creativity is vital for producing original and meaningful work in art classes. In science classes, creativity is necessary for developing new hypotheses and designing experiments to test them.

In addition to improving creativity, right brain training exercises can also enhance emotional intelligence and empathy. This leads to improved interpersonal skills such as the ability to understand and connect with others, resulting in better communication and collaboration in both academic and personal settings.

Better focus and concentration

Right brain training activities have a significant impact particularly on focus and concentration. As engaging in these activities require sustained attention to details and patterns, incorporating them into a child’s routine can develop their ability to maintain attention, leading to increased academic performance and overall cognitive function. This can be especially useful when dealing with challenging academic topics, as it can help with focus and engagement. With consistent practice, individuals can strengthen their right hemisphere and improve their ability to sustain concentration.

Develop a love for learning

Apart from fostering faster and more effective learning, right brain training can cultivate a love for learning in young children. This is because curriculums are often designed to be fun and engaging, which can create a positive association with acquiring knowledge. Moreover, by using creative approaches, children can connect with the material on a deeper level, making it more memorable and meaningful.

When children are passionate about learning, they are more motivated to engage in the learning process and take ownership of their education. This can lead to a lifelong love of learning, and viewing education as a lifelong pursuit.

​5 Ways parents can encourage a love for learning

All children start out with an innate curiosity to explore and discover the world around them. But somewhere along the way, many children grow to dread school and even the process of learning new things. Fortunately, the love of learning can be cultivated through a few simple strategies. Wondering how you too can encourage a love for learning in your little one? Read on to discover effective tips to support your child in developing a growth mindset and keeping them engaged in school.

Provide hands-on experiences

Toddlers are naturally curious and love to explore their environment. Hence, giving them opportunities to touch, feel, and manipulate objects helps to satisfy their curiosity and stimulate their learning.

Create a safe and stimulating environment for them to explore, and provide age-appropriate toys and materials that encourage exploration and experimentation, such as puzzles, blocks, and playdough. Doing so can be particularly engaging for young children and beneficial for developing fine motor skills. Taking your child on nature walks or visiting the Science Centre are also beneficial for exposing them to new experiences and learning opportunities.

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool that parents can use to encourage their children to continue learning and growing. When children succeed, it is crucial to acknowledge their accomplishments and celebrate their hard work. Praising children for their achievements helps to build their self-esteem and motivates them to continue learning. The act of celebrating success can take many forms, from congratulatory hugs to throwing a small party. However, it is important to remember that celebrating success doesn’t always have to be extravagant. Sometimes, a simple “Good job!” or “I’m proud of you!” can be sufficient for a child to feel acknowledged and appreciated.

That said, success isn’t just about achieving a particular goal, but can also be found in the process of learning and growth. Encouraging children to embrace challenges and enjoying the learning journey helps to develop a growth mindset and a love for learning. This mindset can help them view setbacks and failures as opportunities to learn and grow rather than as signs of inadequacy.

Create a stimulating environment

Creating a stimulating learning environment at home is an important step in fostering a love for learning in toddlers. Having a dedicated space for learning helps to establish a routine and signals to children that learning is a priority. One way to create a stimulating learning environment is to set up a reading nook. This can be a cosy corner in your child’s bedroom or a space in the living room with comfortable seating, a bookshelf filled with books, and good lighting.

Another way to create a stimulating learning environment is to set up a play area that encourages exploration and discovery. Keep in mind that toddlers have short attention spans and may quickly lose interest in an activity. To keep them engaged, consider rotating toys and activities regularly and providing a variety of options to choose from. Encourage your toddler to lead the way and follow their interests to keep their learning journey enjoyable.

Model a love for learning

Modelling a love for learning is an effective way to encourage children to develop a passion for education in their early years. Parents should set a positive example by pursuing their own interests and passions, such as reading books, attending classes, or learning a new skill. They can also engage in educational activities with their children, such as visiting museums, attending enrichment classes for toddlers or exploring the outdoors.

Another way parents can model a love for learning is by asking open-ended questions that encourages critical thinking and sparks discussions. This not only helps children develop their communication skills, but also fosters a love for learning. Parents can also demonstrate their own curiosity by exploring new topics and ideas. By showing an interest in a wide range of subjects, parents can encourage their children to do the same and develop a broad knowledge base.

Make learning fun

Toddlers are at a crucial age where they are developing their cognitive skills and forming the foundation for their future learning. At this age, it’s important to make learning enjoyable and engaging for them. Parents can do this by using interactive tools to teach new concepts. For example, flashcards with pictures can teach your toddler about different animals or colours. They can also play matching games with shapes or letters to help your  toddler develop their problem-solving skills.

In addition, incorporating real-world examples into learning activities will make learning more relatable and meaningful for toddlers. When teaching about numbers, count the number of stairs as you climb them or count the number of cars you see while on a walk. This helps toddlers understand the practical applications of what they are learning and makes it easier for them to remember.

Learn more: 4 Benefits of Music on Your Child’s Brain

Questions you may have

We conclude this guide with some questions you may have regarding right brain training for toddlers.

What are the benefits of right brain training?

The benefits of right brain training include improved creativity, memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, right brain training can help to enhance emotional intelligence and social skills.

Can right brain training be harmful to a child’s development?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that right brain training is harmful to children. That being said, it is important for parents to ensure that any right brain training their child receives is age-appropriate and provided by a qualified instructor.

The Heguru Method, for example, has a structured curriculum designed specifically for children aged 6 months to 12 years old. The instructors are highly trained and certified in the method, ensuring that children receive safe and effective instruction.

How soon can I see results?

The timeframe for seeing results from right brain training can vary depending on the individual child. It’s important to note that right brain training is not a quick fix, and consistent practice and reinforcement may be necessary for sustained results. Additionally, every child is unique, and their progress may be affected by factors such as age, developmental stage, and unique learning style.

What age group is appropriate for right brain training?

Right brain training can be started as early as infancy and can continue throughout a person’s life. However, the most critical period for right brain development is during the first six years of life. During this time, the brain is rapidly developing, and experiences can have a significant impact on brain development. Therefore, it is recommended to start right brain training in early childhood to maximise its benefits.

Why is it important to start right brain training early?

Starting right brain training early is important because it allows for maximum brain development during the critical period of early childhood, when the brain is highly receptive to new information and experiences. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, intuition, and holistic thinking, and by stimulating this part of the brain from a young age, children can develop a strong foundation for processing left-brain information as they progress through their education.

In addition, children who have undergone right brain training are better equipped to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems. By starting right brain training early, parents can help their children develop these valuable skills and gain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly changing world.

Can right brain training be done at home?

There are many right brain training activities that can be done at home, such as flashcard games, sensory play, and drawing exercises. However, it is highly recommended to seek the guidance of a qualified enrichment centre to ensure that the activities are effective.


The advantages of right brain training are undeniable and have been demonstrated to give children an edge in their academic and professional pursuits. With the right tools and support, you can give your child an advantage that will benefit them for years to come. So start early and be consistent, and watch your child’s brain develop and their potential grow.

Looking for the best enrichment classes to give your child an early head start? Consider enrolling them for Heguru education with Heguru Method Singapore. With our expert trainers, research-backed curriculum, and engaging teaching methods, we can help your toddler unlock the genius within and succeed academically.

Give your child a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Contact the team at Heguru today to learn more about how we can help your child thrive.

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